Tuesday, July 20, 2010

27 Weeks! - Third Trimester!

This is actually 26 weeks... but close enough :)
Profile Pic with his hand by his mouth
Baby Feet! My fav! His feet were together and I could feel them!
Trip's Nursery 
Dresser already full of clothes!
His name for above his bed. I'm going to be painting them myself!

27 weeks down, 13 to go! Today is the first day of my last trimester. I can't believe I'm already 2/3 done with this pregnancy! As much as I love being pregnant, I really can't wait to see his little face.

A lot has happened this week. Sunday we got his furniture! It's so weird to wake up every day and see baby furniture in our room. Luckily, our room is big enough for all three of us(four if you include Dexter). I think it'll be easier for us to share in the beginning anyway. Now that it's all set up I'm anxious to get it all put together and looking like his room!

Monday we had an ultrasound with the fetal heart specialist. They were checking his heart for any abnormalities or skipping beats. They found NOTHING! He is PERFECT!! His heart rate was normal and looks like whatever they saw in the 18 week ultrasound was either a mistake or it went away. Or it was caused by the caffeine I drank that morning. I still have to be monitored weekly just to make sure his heart rate doesn't spike, but he's perfectly healthy. We got a few more pics as you can see. We got to see his face! It was so cool looking even though it looked like a skeleton.

I bought wooden letters to hang over his bed. I'm going to hand paint them to match his bedding...wish me luck! I'm not very crafty...

Yesterday I was poking around my belly and I felt an actual body part of his! He is positioned head down with his feet high near my ribs. So I think it was an elbow because it was on my mid left but I got so excited and practically yelled "OH MY GOSH!" Ricky didn't seem to think it was that cool, but to me it was like the first time I got to touch him haha. I feel him kick and move practically all day long. I know he's always up at 9am and during the night when I wake up to go pee he's always up with me. Night time before bed is when he's most active.

Trip is a big boy! He's measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Right now he weighs 2 pounds 12oz which is pretty big for 27 weeks. I hope he decides he's ready to come early on his own because I've said from the beginning that I do NOT want to be induced under any circumstances. But I also don't want a 9-10lb baby either. So maybe he'll slow down a bit on the growing or he'll come early. Either way, I just want him to be healthy when he gets here.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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