Monday, June 21, 2010

23 Weeks...

Well today I had my 23 week check up. Since the 21 week appointment I've had to go weekly to see the Dr. At the ultrasound the tech noted that there was a possible arrhythmia. I'm going to see a specialist at the beginning of July just to be sure... but we listen to his heartbeat every week and haven't heard any irregularities yet. It could have been caused by the diet coke I drank the morning of my ultrasound...oops! So now I'm off all caffeine and chocolate. 

Ricky is feeling him kick now! I get way more excited then he does... but he still is very excited about it. This morning when the Dr. was listening to the heartbeat with the doppler, he kicked the doppler a few times! It was so cute :) I love him!

Belly is getting bigger and bigger! I'm measuring 25cm now at 23 weeks which the dr. said was normal. I've been sick for a few days so I have to stay in bed til I feel better... dr's orders. I'm bored already! 

Next month when we see the specialist we are going to have a fetal echocardiogram... which is basically an hour-hour and a half long ultrasound. I'm excited to see him for that long! I hope I get more pictures!

We're going to be getting the baby furniture any day now and I can't hardly wait! I've been trying to put it off but I think it's getting time. He'll be here in less than 4 months! (well...hopefully) Right now he's weighing over a pound and is around 9 inches long. Almost half the length he'll be when he's born. 

Hope everyone has a great week!


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